Feathers - Wall Hanging
40" x 40"
40" x 40"
Started - January 2023
Completed July 2023
Feathers! I love unique patterns that are a bit out of the norm.
This pattern by Anna Maria Horner was one such design. Her fabric for the design was delightful. I began collecting fabric during one of our quarterly shop hops.
I worked on my original (larger) feather quilt at Nancy's house. The pattern pieces were cut on a diagonal. There was a post on Pinterest where someone had staggered their strips before sewing and cutting out the pieces at a 60* angle. It saved a lot of fabric.
When I laid out the pieces, I realized I had more feathers than what was needed. Plus, I had added a stop border, and outer border resulting in a much larger quilt. All that to say, I had enough feathers left over to make a second wall hanging quilt which is this one.
With the Nevada County Fair coming up, I thought this would be a fun quilt to submit. Plus, I'm on a mission to "finish flimsies in 2023". I finished this second smaller quilt to add to my Fair submissions.
The backing is PERFECT! I found a fabric with feathers on it on the flat-fold table that I had tucked away for my feather quilt.
For the quilting, I did a meander stitch on the background fabric. Then I did SID around the feathers, down the feather spine, and around the stop border.
The binding is the turquoise green that I used for all the feather spines.
This quilt was not originally planned to be sold. However, when I was showing off my quilts during our Colorado reunion/vacation, Allison immediately asked to purchase both of my feather quilts for a gift.
And so, this quilt will be sent along to its new home before Christmas.
Backing with feathers for the win!
Every quilt tells a story. This is the story of making a second feather quilt with feathers on the front and feathers on the back.
Every Quilt Tells A Story
Whether it is the fabrics chosen, the design, the colors, the occasion, the recipient, or the people I quilt with, every quilt tells a story. This blog captures in images and words what has been created for others and for my own home through the hum and stitching of my sewing machine.
Whether it is the fabrics chosen, the design, the colors, the occasion, the recipient, or the people I quilt with, every quilt tells a story. This blog captures in images and words what has been created for others and for my own home through the hum and stitching of my sewing machine.
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