Feathers on the front and feathers on the back


Feathers - Wall Hanging
40" x 40"
Started - January 2023
Completed July 2023

Feathers! I love unique patterns that are a bit out of the norm.

This pattern by Anna Maria Horner was one such design. Her fabric for the design was delightful. I began collecting fabric during one of our quarterly shop hops.

I worked on my original (larger) feather quilt at Nancy's house. The pattern pieces were cut on a diagonal. There was a post on Pinterest where someone had staggered their strips before sewing and cutting out the pieces at a 60* angle. It saved a lot of fabric.

When I laid out the pieces, I realized I had more feathers than what was needed. Plus, I had added a stop border, and outer border resulting in a much larger quilt. All that to say, I had enough feathers left over to make a second wall hanging quilt which is this one.

With the Nevada County Fair coming up, I thought this would be a fun quilt to submit. Plus, I'm on a mission to "finish flimsies in 2023". I finished this second smaller quilt to add to my Fair submissions.

The backing is PERFECT! I found a fabric with feathers on it on the flat-fold table that I had tucked away for my feather quilt.

For the quilting, I did a meander stitch on the background fabric. Then I did SID around the feathers, down the feather spine, and around the stop border. 

The binding is the turquoise green that I used for all the feather spines.

This quilt was not originally planned to be sold. However, when I was showing off my quilts during our Colorado reunion/vacation, Allison immediately asked to purchase both of my feather quilts for a gift.

And so, this quilt will be sent along to its new home before Christmas.

Backing with feathers for the win!

Every quilt tells a story. This is the story of making a second feather quilt with feathers on the front and feathers on the back.

Every Quilt Tells A Story
Whether it is the fabrics chosen, the design, the colors, the occasion, the recipient, or the people I quilt with, every quilt tells a story. This blog captures in images and words what has been created for others and for my own home through the hum and stitching of my sewing machine.
