Leaf-ing Summer Behind

Leaf-ing Summer Behind
52" x 52"
Started & Completed - September 2022
Sold - December 2022

It was Labor Day with a full day ahead of no work and no commitments. So, what did I want to do? Quilt of course!

With one month until Tiffany and William arrive for a visit, I thought making a Fall Quilt would be a good idea. Tiffany always decorates for the holidays and the seasons. If I could start and finish the quilt before her arrival, I could show Tiffany that I too can decorate. (Although, I can never match the beautiful decor that Tiffany puts together.)

I have had two quilts in mind for some time, one for the Fall and one for the Winter, but it always seems there is a project for someone else under my needle that needs to be finished before these seasonal quilts.

I saw a video tutorial by Missouri Star Quilt called Happy Harvest with instructions for making a giant maple leaf. I had picked up some Fall Charm Packs from a thrift store a few months ago that I had been saving for this project.

I had purchased fabric for the trees in Climb Every Mountain that wasn't used. With the brownish-red tone, this was perfect for the border and the binding. I found a piece of cream-colored grunge in my stash that was just big enough for the background. The backing was from leftover fabric from Mom's String Quilt project (2020). With all of my supplies already curated, it was if my quilt was put together before I even started. Even better, I didn't have to go out and purchase a thing.

By the end of the day, I had finished the entire top because it was fast and easy. I was even able to baste the quilt on my card table since it is a wall hanging size.

I thought a loopy meander would simulate a falling leaf for the quilting design. I had picked up some heat erasable marking pens and was able to trace that on my quilt as my "training wheels" since I have not perfected this motif. The colored pens worked great on the cream fabric, but the white pen did not show up on the colored background of the leaf. So, I continue on the hunt for a marking pen for my darker fabrics. By the time I had quilted on the cream using my "training wheels", I was able to tackle the leaf design without too much trouble.

Hand binding occurred over 4 evenings while watching old Perry Mason episodes. After doing so many quilts in the last few months, it now feels strange if I don't have binding to do in the evenings. I guess I need to make some more quilts so I will have some binding to do.

It is only 3 days into Fall, and I have finished my Fall quilt.

Every quilt tells a story. This is the story of decorating for the seasons by making a leaf quilt in time for Fall. I am now looking forward to making my snowflake quilt for the winter. Yay! I will have more binding to do.

Every Quilt Tells A Story
Whether it is the fabrics chosen, the design, the colors, the occasion, the recipient, or the people I quilt with, every quilt tells a story. This blog captures in images and words what has been created for others and for my own home through the hum and stitching of my sewing machine.
