Custom Quilting on a Carpenter's Star


Carpenter's Star in Florals
38" x 38"
Finished September 2021
Gifted to Char Andrews - September 2022

Making a Carpenter's Star was on my "project wish list" of patterns I wanted to try.

I saw a pattern for this quilt block that used 10-inch squares. I wanted to make a baby quilt size rather than a large quilt so I decided to use 5-inch squares instead.

It went together fairly quickly using squares and half-square triangles, and I loved making it look scrappy with the various fabric patterns.

I did stitch in the ditch around each triangle.

I'm still practicing my free motion quilting. With the smaller sized quilt, I thought it would be fun to try out some different quilting motifs. I did a leaf pattern over all the inner white blocks. On the (middle) outer white blocks I did a fan-like design. And in the corners, I did switchbacks.

Quilting Details

The binding was in a peach floral.

In October 2021, I traveled to Arizona for my niece's (Abbey) wedding. I met Tiffany and Spencer in Phoenix where we stayed with Kathleen & Ken Miller. 

I took the quilt with me to show Tiffany because I was proud of how the quilting had turned out especially for my first attempt at doing a variety of motifs on the same quilt.

Originally, I thought I would give this to Tiffany if she ever became pregnant. I thought it would be a nice baby quilt. Unbeknownst to me, Tiffany had just found out she was pregnant but was waiting to share the news until they were sure.

When Tiffany announced her pregnancy news a month later, I thought for sure this would be gifted to her.

She later found out that she was pregnant with a boy so peach florals would not be appropriate.

Although I wanted to keep the quilt because it was my first custom quilting project, and I love the dense quilting, the peach colors aren't really colors I have in my home.

I held onto the quilt for a year not sure where it would end up. 

It was nice knowing I had a quilt on hand if I needed one for a baby gift.

Finally, I decided to ask Char Andrews if it was something she might like. Char was ecstatic and said she would love it. The quilt was gifted to her in September 2022 along with the quilt I made especially for her. Char later told me that she has it hanging in her guest room as a wall hanging and the colors are perfect.

Every quilt tells a story. This is the story doing custom quilting on a Carpenter's Star quilt and later gifting it to a special friend.

Every Quilt Tells A Story
Whether it is the fabrics chosen, the design, the colors, the occasion, the recipient, or the people I quilt with, every quilt tells a story. This blog captures in images and words what has been created for others and for my own home through the hum and stitching of my sewing machine.
