Hands of the Master Quilter


Hands of the Master Quilter - By Elizabeth White

In the eyes of the designer colors and pattern conceived 

My name is Yardage 

Threads of a beautiful design 


Severed from my origin I became

My name is Scrap 

Snipped and cast aside 


From the Master's heart inspiration breathes

My name is Chosen 

Removed from the pile 


A new creation and part of the whole

In the hands of the Quilter 

My name is Redeemed


My beauty seen my heart restored

My flaws not evident 

I am Beautiful

Conceived by the Designer before my birth

Intricately knit together

Woven by warp and woof

Sin entered my life in youth 

Cast aside 

Broken and alone 


Not far from the Spirit in gentle pursuit

My soul awakens

My life now in view 


Because of thGreat Redeemer 

The scraps of my life

Become fully new 


My flaws no longer evident 

The Designer's Design 

Is now true 


Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17


Every quilt tells a story. This is Redemption's story. We are each made beautiful by the hands of the master quilter. Redemption is a special quilt with a significant name. 

Every Quilt Tells A Story

Whether it is the fabrics chosen, the design, the colors, the occasion, the recipient, or the people I quilt with, every quilt tells a story. This blog captures in images and words what has been created for others and for my own home through the hum and stitching of my sewing machine.
