Pretty pinwheels

Pretty Pinwheels
52" x 68"
Finished October 2019 - Mailed December 2019
For Allison

Operation Christmas Quilt 2019 continues...

Allison had no trouble picking out a quilt pattern. There were several that she liked, but she kept coming back to a pinwheel design. She said she has always loved pinwheels. She wanted aqua and grey for the colors. I found a free pattern, Pinwheels in the Park with instructions.

Some of the fabrics I found at the Quilt Show at Alden Park Nursery in Livermore. I loved the fabrics from Jennifer Sampou in particular. I had grey fabrics left over from my ombre (grey & white) quilt that I made for Tiffany. Gradually, the quilt is coming together.

I laugh when I think of the quilt pattern because it reminds me of Allison. Pinwheels in the Park or in her case, Party in the Park since she always brings the party.

This was a lesson in cutting squares using 7/8" and making split quarter-square triangles.

My old Kenmore sewing machine has been giving me trouble. It seems to be slipping. I've had it serviced but it isn't working very well.  However, I managed to stitch in the ditch for the quilting.

We are at 4 quilts completed since July towards Operation Christmas Quilt 2019.

Every quilt tells a story. This is the story of my first pinwheel quilt and learning about quarter-square triangles.

Every Quilt Tells a Story
Whether it is the fabrics chosen, the design, the colors, the occasion, the recipient, or the people I quilt with, every quilt tells a story. This blog captures in images and words what has been created for others and for my own home through the hum and stitching of my sewing machine.
