My quilting journey begins

My first quilted project -  A Table Runner
20" x 57"
Completed February 2017 - Gifted to Tiffany November 2017

My quilting journey begins.

My friend Mary, a missionary to Cameroon, Africa, was in the States for a time. She called to say that she was going to Nancy's house and asked if I would like to join them to quilt.  Always ready to spend time with friends, I immediately agreed.

I found some grey fabric from the clearance rack from our local craft store. After all, this would be the only time I would ever quilt although, I confess, I have always loved old quilts and vintage items. I found some additional fabrics, including a greyish batik, that I thought would go with my grey fabric and set out to do some quilting.

Oh, what fun we had sewing, chatting, and making table runners together.

I learned a whole new language of width of fabric, nesting my seams, sashing, binding, and more.  I chose a rail fence pattern because it looked simple enough for me to accomplish.

This first quilt taught me about combining light, medium, and dark colors.  Since I had no idea what I was doing except for the sewing, I called this first project a "success".

As a little girl, I loved making doll clothes and sewing for others. This time with friends started my quilting journey.

This grey quilt was given to my daughter on her birthday to bless her home.

Every quilt tells a story. This is the story of beginning my quilting journey.

Every Quilt Tells a Story
Whether it is the fabrics chosen, the design, the colors, the occasion, the recipient, or the people I quilt with, every quilt tells a story. This blog captures in images and words what has been created through the hum and stitching of my sewing machine.
